Saturday, June 04, 2005

Ask the Expert

Today I will begin a new feature here, in which I respond to my readers' questions about life, relationships, sex, and popular culture. And readers, feel free to share your own comments as well. So, on to the first question:

Q. We've been married for four years and only make love once every two months. Every night, my husband says he's tired or it's been a rough day -- but I know what kind of day he had because we work together. I know he's interested in other women -- he gets excited when he spots someone appealing on the street. Every night he does a solo with himself when he thinks I'm asleep. But for me, he's always too tired. What can I do to get him interested?

A. This is a surprisingly not uncommon problem that plagues many women, many of whom assume there is something
wrong with them and that they are alone in this. My answer, thankfully enough, is quite simple, and effective.
Don't worry about getting him interested. Just come over here and let me and Mr. Belding show you a good time.
You won't be able to remember your sicko husband's name.


At 5:38 PM, Blogger Steven said...

Dear Kelley,

You need to stay abreast of my penis better.
Get a handle on it. I give it a new name every day or so. It hasn't been Mr. Belvedere in awhile.


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